Coexist is to contradict — Love Joy Balance

Blogger Gems (2)

To ‘coexist’ is to tolerate and embrace other religions. I get that the noble idea of “can’t we all just get along” and I will do my best to be kinder than necessary to anyone I come in contact with, however, my christian faith commands me to “stand guarded, confident and ready to give […]

This article is a very good read. Sadly, many of those seeking tolerance for themselves are unwilling to extend it to others. To be honest, coexistence simply isn’t possible, for the Bible tells us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. But at the same time, Christ does tell us to love them. Only through Christ can we genuinely love those who are opposed to us without losing our distinction from them.

via Coexist is to contradict — Love Joy Balance

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